More Readings
Abramovitz, Janet N. “Unnatural Disasters.” Worldwatch Paper (158) October 2001.
Dunn, Seth. “Reading the Weathervane: Climate Policy from Rio to Johannesburg.” Worldwatch Paper (160) August 2002.
Flavin, Christopher and S. Dunn. “Rising Sun, Gathering Winds: Policies to Stabilize the Climate and Strengthen Economies.” Worldwatch Paper (138) November 1997.
Gatay, Habiba, Avelina Suarez, David Jon Dokken and Robert Watson, (ed.). “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Climate Change and Biodiversity.” April 2002.
Hassol, Susan Jo. “Arctic Climate Impact Effect.” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
International Institute for Sustainable Development. “Issues and Options: The Kyoto Protocol’s Second Commitment Period.” International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2003.
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control. 11 December 1997.
Mastny, Lisa. “Purchasing Power: Harnessing Institutional Procurement for People and the Planet.” Worldwatch Paper (166) July 2003.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Climate of 1999 – Annual Review.”
Swiss Reinsurance Company. “Catastrophes and Natural Disasters.” Sigma, Vol. 1, 2004.
Swiss study on climate change and its impact on the insurance market.