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Attractive Solutions
A Sustainable Scale Perspective
Thinking in terms of sustainable scale is essential to ensure economic activities do not destroy the life support services provided by critical ecosystems.
Visions For A Sustainable Future
Articulating possible visions for a sustainable future is an important activity that can be an inspiration for change.
Understanding Human Happiness and Well Being
Our current economic activities have false and dangerous assumptions about human happiness and well being. Clarifying our understanding is central to developing sustainable scale relevant policies.
Supportive Public Policies
There are a variety of public policy tools currently avialable to promote scale relevant solutions.
Economics For Community
Reformulating the role of economic activities in supporting human well being is essential to developing scale relevant policies.
Sustainable Business Practices
A variety of sustainable business practices are available and need to be developed to support the global transition to an ecologically sustainable future.
Institutions for a Sustainable Future
The many institutions that currently support policies and practices that allow economic activities to degrade critical ecosystem services need to be reformed, and new ones developed.
Lifestyle Solutions
Many attractive lifestyle solutions are available to promote both ecological sustainability and human well being.
Selected Readings
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